August 12th 2007, a 29 years old woman from Jembrana, Ni Luh Putu Sri Windiani has passed away in Sanglah Hospital. She was refered to Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar by Negara hospital in Jembrana with the diagnose result as an AI suspect patient. Bali Health and Livestock services suspected that the infection could be from around her home area which is in the sub-village of Dangintukadaya in Jembrana.
All related institutions and concerned agencies from local, national and international scopes are now working together in the efforts of finding the best solution in tackling the disease and cease it from having to spread to the other parts of the District. Eradication actions have begin from the time the case had emerged until this date. By having visited the location myself all of this week, attending the policy makers meeting and watching all the actual efforts that have been put through in overcoming this outbreak, we can be optimistic that the situation is under control.
Keep in mind that Avian Influenza is a poultry disease and it cannot easily infect human especially if we put extra attention to sanitation and it can be as simple as washing your hands everytime before you eat. This way you can help minimize the risk of AI infection.
Let's participate in making Bali to be a cleaner, healthier and safer paradise!